Rainwater Storage Options: Which Type of Tank Should You Buy?

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Rainwater tanks happen to be the most expensive component of any water harvesting system. These tanks come in different types and sizes, so it's important to know more about their features to make an informed choice.

Factors like your location and budget also influence your material choice. The size is determined by factors like rainwater supply, demand, aesthetics, total catchment surface area, dry spell durations and your budget.

Finally, you have to decide if you want to install the tank above or underground. Aspects that determine whether a tank can be installed below or above the ground are temperature ranges, soil types, outdoor space and cost of installation. So, which kind of tank should you purchase? Read on to know more.

Poly tank

Polyethylene tanks are probably the most popular tanks you'll find in the market today. These tanks are readily available and come in varying shapes, colours and sizes. The material is sturdy enough to last several decades, so you'll get value for your investment.

Besides, the tanks can be installed below- or aboveground, so you can still consider this option if you have limited space. You'll also notice that poly tanks are light in weight, making installation easy and inexpensive, and they can withstand the outdoor elements for several decades when installed on the ground.


Another type of rainwater tank you can consider is one that's made of fibreglass. Fibreglass is a polymer of plastic strands that are densely woven and reinforced by glass fibres. This combination makes the tanks stronger than other forms of metals or tank materials.

What's more, fibreglass tanks are an ideal choice for those who want a tank with a massive capacity because its tensile strength can handle any form of pressure. These tanks can be installed above or in-ground and come in various sizes, so your options aren't limited. However, it's vital to note that these tanks are more costly than poly tanks.


People have been using concrete water tanks to store rainwater for many centuries, and you can still consider this option today. These water tanks can be precast or constructed on-site and give you the option of installing them underground or on the surface.

However, if you opt to get this tank, you must be cautious about the lime that leaches into the water from the concrete. Lime makes the water alkaline, and this might affect some plants. The good news is that you can get a lining for the tank to keep the lime at bay.

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